Thursday, February 22, 2007

First yarn!

It's not pretty...but it's my own. However I completely used the niddy noddy incorrectly -- I could tell from people's faces at Bella Vita last night when I showed off my new creation. But I'll learn. And I really think I'm getting better at the spinning part. By the way, ignore the various colors in there -- everything besides the navy blue are bits that were already on the bobbins when I got the wheel from New Zealand, and I just plied everything together without regard for color or nature of the fiber. It looks pretty, though!

When I started knitting, I was kind of overwhelmed at all there was to learn, or rather at all I perceived that there was to learn. But it's really just knitting and purling, with a little bit of a twist now and then. I didn't believe that at the time though. It took 4 or 5 tries and a large winter storm to get knitting to "take". But with spinning, I do not find myself looking ahead to all the other things there are to know...I'm just enjoying the process of sitting in front of the wheel and spinning fiber into yarn. It's just so nice. And I don't really care if I'm not doing it right yet...I'll get there.

That all being said, I can't wait until Tuesday night's Frog Pond meeting, so I can get some tips from experts like E!, Jess, Vicki and Elizabeth. And from anyone else who wants to throw me some advice! These ladies have all been mega supportive of my spinning efforts. And they are all somewhat addicted to beautiful, complex lace projects. I hope that's not contagious!


e's knitting and spinning blog said...

I have to say I feel the same way about knitting and spinning as you do. I really love learning as many techniques in knitting as possible but with spinning I just like to spin. I totally ignore the technical aspects and spin for pleasure:-)

Passionknitly said...

So, are you taking orders yet?
I'm ready for some Mudry handspun!

e's knitting and spinning blog said...

You are making yarn! dosen't that just blow your mind!

Vicki said...

I spin for pleasure and don't worry about all the technical aspects. As long as it pleases me, that's all that matters. Bring the niddy noddy on Tuesday and I'll show you how to use it.

Jessica said...

it IS beautiful yarn!!