Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pretty stuff

Daffodils and tulips make good partners.I seem to have succeeded at planting the bulbs in some sort of a straight-ish line along the driveway last Fall!
Garlic getting bigger with peas to the right of them. I don't really like peas but for some reason they are exciting me -- I don't think I've ever had them right off the vine and that is rumored to be a real treat. And they are something green to grow in April!I think some spinach is coming up, too, but I'm not sure if it's actually spinach or just grass. They look similar. And are so small. I've never been able to grow spinach before.

There are so many little asparagus shoots begging me to eat them, but I won't, I won't! Next year!!!
The giant sunflower I grew last year seems to be extremely proficient at multiplying.

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