We grilled veggies for dinner tonight, all from the garden (we just added some purchased broccoli). Even the herbs I used in the marinade were from the garden, including parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. No lie, my life is a ballad! We ate garden-fresh eggplant, peppers, yellow and green squash, cucumbers, and green beans. And for dessert...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A little bit of harvest fun
We grilled veggies for dinner tonight, all from the garden (we just added some purchased broccoli). Even the herbs I used in the marinade were from the garden, including parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. No lie, my life is a ballad! We ate garden-fresh eggplant, peppers, yellow and green squash, cucumbers, and green beans. And for dessert...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Vampires Beware!
Besides garlic, what I am loving right now is an unending supply of raspberries. Pictures to come, but we've been eating them as fast as we can pick them so I haven't gotten a chance to take many photos. We had raspberry pancakes this morning, tomorrow I'll make raspberry scones, and I even tried to make raspberry jam last weekend but that didn't go too well.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
It's Working!!!
I always had my doubts that the plants in our garden would grow. Insert seed, cover with dirt and voila, you've got food! -- it seemed like some sort of magic that had to be smoke and mirrors. I wanted to put all of my faith into it and believe, believe that it would work, and deep down I did but I still had my doubts. I didn't want to find out that vegetable magic was a bit like the Christmas Magic of Santa Claus. And it's not! Look at our garden -- it's a wonderful true bit of sorcery!!!
Everything is HUGE and blooming or fruiting! Cucumber blossoms,
tomato blossoms AND fruit,
raspberries (the bees love them!),
adorable string bean babies,
and eggplant and pepper blossoms, too. The strawberry plants are putting out runners, all the squash varieties are expanding mightily, the corn is getting high (as an elephant's eye), and the tomato vines are becoming unimaginably HUGE -- I need taller stakes and more cages! But I'm especially proud of this one, that I started from seed:
Tomato plants have a smell that takes me back to my mom's garden of my youth. I wasn't really too interested in it then -- I mean, what kid likes to eat vegetables? But now I'm glad I have such an experienced gardener to call on for advice.
Here's something else -- today Dave and I built our own compost bin! OK so it's not beautiful, and a pack of cub scouts could probably do a more symmetrical job, but it's functional and made of 100% re-purposed materials (except for the nails). I just hope that it doesn't attract the bears. Because bears are not a make-believe boogey man, I've seen them here on more than one occasion.
Here's something else -- today Dave and I built our own compost bin! OK so it's not beautiful, and a pack of cub scouts could probably do a more symmetrical job, but it's functional and made of 100% re-purposed materials (except for the nails). I just hope that it doesn't attract the bears. Because bears are not a make-believe boogey man, I've seen them here on more than one occasion.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I'm a lonely little tomato in a tulip patch
Anyway, I digress. In the box on the right are varieties of squash -- about half from seed and the other half from purchased seedlings. We've got butternut (from Town Farm Dairy -- I saved the seeds from their squash last fall and dried them out), zucchini and yellow squash in there.
With the garden being quite full, I still had a few semi-decent sized plants that I grew from seed that may or may not be hearty enough to make it this season. I didn't want to throw them away, so I started planting them in random places around our yard. Here's the tomato amongst the tulip leaves:
So to sum it up, from seed we planted butternut squash, zucchini, radishes, garlic, lettuce, basil, corn, cucumbers, sunflowers, basil and a few tomato plants. Okay we initially started with more vegetables than that, but those are the things that seem to have a chance of having one or two plants make it. The raspberry bushes were already in place, so we didn't have to do any planting with those. From purchased seedlings we planted zucchini, yellow squash, corn, pumpkins, strawberries, peppers (yellow, red, green and scotch bonnet), tomatoes (MANY varieties, including yellow and cherry), eggplant, and a whole mess of herbs. And my mom gave us some cucumbers and string beans that she grew from seed.
Can I just say a fews words about my mom here? She is awesome. She totally made this garden possible. She spent many hours either weeding or occupying Jonah so I could weed/plant. She brought me tons of lilies and cosmos, and even planted the cosmos for me, in a semi-border around part of the garden. Not to mention the from seed plants she grew and brought me. I'm so lucky to have her! Thanks, mom, you rock!
Oh, and in case you haven't checked out Jonah's blog lately, here's a picture of him practicing eating (so that he can have all of those yummy vegetables...maybe next year!)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Lots of Growing
Besides having a growing baby in our home, we're also growing lots more plants! I was so excited to see the flowers we had planted as bulbs in the fall start springing up all around the yard. I think that I didn't really believe that it would work -- this is the first time we've ever had a yard to plant anything in, so I was skeptical that those brownish-yellow bulbs would ever actually yield anything like this!
Also, I transplanted a lot of the vegetable and herb seedlings into bigger pots.
And this is where Dave and his dad roto-tilled for a garden a few weeks ago. I think I need to mulch. Notice that you can't really tell where our lawn ends and our garden begins? That's because our yard is very very brown. I think we have to invest in some grass seed!
Still no knitting or spinning going on here, but the Guru was here with Mr. Guru this weekend, and she was knitting a sock in all of her spare time. It really woke up my knitting bug again!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
A different kind of baby
Spring has sprung, and I'm getting excited to plant my first ever garden! Last fall we put in some tulips, daffodils, crocuses and other bulb flowers, and they are finally starting to sprout up. I've seen crocuses in full bloom around town, but our snow took a looooong time to melt so I'm hoping we didn't miss the blooming season.
We also planted some garlic, and I "think" these are the sprouts of those bulbs, although I'm not sure -- the previous owners could have planted some other bulbs in this area too. We're excited to see what comes up in our yard.
We tilled a little bit by hand to plant the garlic bulbs, but in the next week or two we are going to rent a tiller and plow up some of the yard for a real garden. I started some seedlings in my "greenhouse" a few weeks ago, and as long as Kingston doesn't feast on them, they'll go into the garden and try to become vegetables.
Dave gave me a whole bunch of heirloom and organic seeds for Christmas. We have various types of tomatoes and peppers growing in the greenhouse, along with eggplant, basil, parsley and sage. Hopefully more will sprout soon, and then I also have many different seeds to sow directly into the ground. I'm not getting my hopes up that this year will be a perfect garden, because we are basically just plowing up the lawn of crab grass and tilling it over a few times. I know the soil will have to be fertilized to get it to the right PH level, and maybe we'll need some top soil too, but for this year, we're just going with the basic till and plant method. As one of my new friends in town, who is a for real farmer, says, "Plants want to grow" -- I hope they will!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Happy one month birthday to Jonah!
Is anyone surprised that I haven't posted for a while? And that now that I am posting, there is really only minimal non-Jonah content? Hey, I'm a new mom, what can I say?
I have good news, though -- my right hand is back to normal! No more numbness! That means I can knit again -- when I get a bit of free time, that is. I really want to make an organic cotton blanket for Jonah. I wanted to do it the whole time I was pregnant, but wasn't able to.
Here's a cute pic of Jonah modeling some knitted gifts! Booties from Vicki, and a rattle from Mary.
I really haven't been doing much other than tending to the baby's every need. And that kind of suits me just fine right now!
Here's a cute pic of Jonah modeling some knitted gifts! Booties from Vicki, and a rattle from Mary.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Been a little busy...
I won't overburden you all with a million pics of Jonah (although I could if you wanted me too -- he's really too cute to not stare at him all the time). I just wanted to post and say everything is going great so far. I added a link to Jonah's blog on the sidebar, so your Jonah fix is just a click away.
Also, I wanted to share these pictures of the wonderful handmade gifts my knitting group in South Bend (aka Frog Pond Fiber Arts) sent me. It was such a happy package to receive, and right before Jonah was born. It really meant a lot to me, those ladies put so much effort into these presents. You can be sure you will see photos of Jonah modeling this booty in the weeks and months to come. I'm sorry it took so long to post the picture of these awesome presents, but right after I received the package, "stuff" happened!
Vicki made the blue/grey sweater and hat on the left, along with the blue booties and striped socks. Aubrey made the light blue and multicolored socks. Carol made the teddy bear (the colors remind me of Eric Carle -- who by the way has a museum in MA not too far from here, where we'll take Jonah when he's a bit older) and Jess made the cabled blue sweater on the right. The light blue vest is from Elizabeth, and Mary made the light blue hat and the ball with a rattle in it. The very colorful blanket underneath all the gifts was made by Sandy, it's a stroller quilt. These gifts are all really so cute!
Vicki made the blue/grey sweater and hat on the left, along with the blue booties and striped socks. Aubrey made the light blue and multicolored socks. Carol made the teddy bear (the colors remind me of Eric Carle -- who by the way has a museum in MA not too far from here, where we'll take Jonah when he's a bit older) and Jess made the cabled blue sweater on the right. The light blue vest is from Elizabeth, and Mary made the light blue hat and the ball with a rattle in it. The very colorful blanket underneath all the gifts was made by Sandy, it's a stroller quilt. These gifts are all really so cute!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I voted today, did you?
And by the way, go Obama!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
He's here!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Induction Scheduled!
Just a quick update with no pics -- still no Bacon! I went to the dr's yesterday and everything is fine but that little boy is just not moving down where he is supposed to be. Man! Stubborn little baby! So if nothing happens by Sunday, we'll be induced Monday morning and Bacon will be a little Aquarius by Tuesday at the latest. Thanks for all of the comments and well wishes, and please keep on sending us those good thoughts!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
2 More Days - sort of
I had a nice "visit" with my niece and nephew at Stew Leonard's earlier this week -- those kids really like the dancing chickens, man. I felt sorry for the employees working near that station, because Sam pressed the button to make them sing over and over and over and over...and then she and Brady danced.
Any day now, and Bacon's face and name will be revealed!!!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Something knitting-related!
These pics kind of show my huge belly -- and they are also a before and after of my new haircut. Don't I look so Katie Holmes in the second shot? I'm feeling really well and just kind of waiting right now. I'm due Jan. 18, so that's just 2 weeks away. According to our dr's visit today, there is some progress in the effacement area, but that's about it. I'm very content right now, not in any rush to have the baby but very very excited to know that his arrival is imminent. I'm on maternity leave and am still surprisingly mobile and active, going out and doing errands and such rather than sitting around the house all the time. Although I do my fair share of movie watching and chilling -- nesting, reading, and trying to cook a bunch of meals to freeze so we don't have to eat take out every
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