Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The 10th Circle of Hell

Here's a progress shot of my Rogue Hoodie. Does it look a little strange? That's because I circularly knitted myself into a MOBIUS LOOP!!! Unbeknownst to me until I had progressed through several inches + hem + a bunch of the kangaroo pocket, of course. The only bright side is that now I can fix (aka start over on) that dropped stitch in the cable panel.

I just needed to bitch. I'm so so mad.


schrodinger said...

Awwww, how frustrating. Better luck next time.

Jessica said...

Rats! But one of the things I love about knitting is that it's so undoable. Too bad one can't frog life and fix the rough spots... Your hoodie will be great - and be finished just a few hours later than it otherwise would have been.