Thursday, June 08, 2006

A little imperfection is what makes it handmade...

The socks are done! Finally! OK they are totally not the same as each other -- I think one is slightly shorter, and the toes are a little different, but they're my first socks and they're DONE! I like them, but I definitely need more practice on the sock front and next time I will not try to adjust the size by guessing how many stitches to cast on...not a good idea for your first time. Just stick to the pattern 100% and trust the pattern, understanding will follow...

Next I want to start up a halter top with some cotton I got from MS&W, I just have to find a pattern. I really want something simple, with sort of a v-neck that ties around the back of the neck and flares a bit at the waist. I could modify something, but I really dont' think that's a good idea at this point, it only leads to frustration and copious calls to the guru for mathematical and constructional assistance. I just want to be told what to do for this one.

I went for a walk around campus with my JA friend Brian & his dog Mr. Marshall the other day. Above is a pic of Howard Hall, the dorm I used to live in with the guru, Jen-nay, Em, Renny, Becca and various other loyal blog readers. And here's the money shot of the dome & basilica that they put on all the recruitment brochures. Ben, another JA friend also lives in town with his wife & cute son, at least for the rest of the month, and I went to his house for a BBQ last night. It was really nice to hang out with friends, except for the COPS-style bust that happened in the house next door while we were cooking -- complete with shotguns and arrests.

I bought the local paper this morning, and found this snippit:

New friend reportedly robs bar patron
A bar patron told police he was robbed by a stranger who invited him for a beer at his apartemnt late Tuesday night...The two men were reportedly at Donna Lee's Bar around 11 p.m. when they left together for a beer in an apartment...once inside, the man pulled out a large knife and a small sword...and demanded money from the victim.

A large knife and a small sword??? Did this guy suddenly decide to rob his new friend and happen to have these weapons easily accessible, or do you think he holds up all of his "new friends" at sword tip, as sort of a rite of passage for entry into his inner circle? I'd better be careful about making new friends here...

Last thing, here's a gratuitous speed shot of Em's husband Brian, the go-kart king of the midwest. Go, speed racer!


Anonymous said...

Go Howard Ducks!

And Goooo Ruthless!!!! (That's Brian's racing name :)

schrodinger said...

CONGRATS on finishing your first pair of socks, watch it though, you could well be on that slippery slope of sockaholism!

Love the story about the bar 'friends' I guess I will have to think twice about inviting people I've just met (while drinking) back to my apartment huh?

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that I made the blog!

Hopefully you and Dave will be able to make it during one of the races in South Bend.

At that point you will get to see why they call me "Ruthless"....just kidding. : )


Renee said...

Come to Columbus! Come to Columbus!